Marketing Consultancy

If you have a brand or product in the construction industry and any of the following statements are true for you, then my marketing services can help.

Brand / Positioning

I have great products but I need to build a brand.

Team Structure

I’m thinking of hiring a marketing team but I’m not sure exactly what the right person or people look like.


I need to get control and understanding of my marketing budget.

Campaign Planning

I need to optimise my marketing spend to achieve better results.


I need to improve the packaging of my products.

Marketing Strategy

I’m launching a new product and need an impactful marketing campaign to support it.

If you know you need to get more from your marketing but you’re not quite sure how, I can help. I’ve taken construction tool, accessory and fixing brands from various stages of maturity to nationally recognised and renowned status with methods that don’t boggle the mind and budgets that don’t blow the bank.

In choosing RM Strategic, you’re not just investing in marketing services; you’re investing in a strategic partnership dedicated to building and sustaining the success of your business. Together, let’s construct a future where your brand stands tall amidst the competition.


Clear and transparent with exceptional value

No nonsense pricing that’s crystal clear, free from any hidden fees or extensive contracts.